Monday, November 5, 2012

At least I'm not bald

I know I'm not 20 anymore. I know that physical changes start taking place and for the most part the process of aging doesn't bother me too much. I get along much better with myself at 40 something, than I did at 20 something, even though I'll cheerfully admit that I sure wish I could fit all this 41 year old awesome in those 21 year old's jeans!

For the last ten or so years I've noticed that every once in awhile I will get a stay hair that pops out from my chin. Since I'd rather not be considered a qualified applicant for the bearded lady job when the circus comes to town, I am obsessive about plucking them out.

Yesterday I was standing in the bathroom trying to pluck one out when the fireman walked in and wanted to know why I had my nose less than half an inch from the mirror.

Me:  I can feel a little chin hair, but I can't see it to yank it out.

Fireman: You probably can't see it because it's grey. Maybe you should try dying your beard hair the next time you get your roots done.

This from the man who thought it was a perfectly rational decision to start shaving his head so that people wouldn't notice his receding hair line!

There is no form of torture that could ever get me to admit to him that when I finally did find it, and yank it out, he was right!

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