Friday, August 1, 2014

Just Like Arnold... I'm BAAAACK!

Hi! Remember me?

So I've been thinking for quite a while that I need to dust off this blog because some of my Facebook posts have just about reached novel lengths, and to be honest, I usually feel bad subjecting my friends list to the random crazy that I occasionally spout. This morning while putting on makeup, I was trying to decide if I had enough stuff to fill a page every so often. When I realized that instead of primer, I had smeared my face with hair volumizer, I decided that finding enough idiocy in my life to write about wouldn't be the problem. Editing it down, would be. In an attempt to find the happy in my accident, I have decided that if you are going to have one random chin hair, you might as well make it as thick and voluminousness as you can!

I promised on the book of faces to chronicle my 3 dates on, and I will, but it is going to have to wait a little bit. Right now I have to go to the drug store and by an antihistamine. I looooove strawberries, so I had a big bowl of them for breakfast and now I am trying to scratch my face off, because despite the hope that I will outgrow it, I am also mildly allergic to strawberries.

Nope, not going to be a problem to find things to write about...

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